Thank you for expressing your interest in Pilates. I am pleased to inform you that I am fully committed to helping you achieve your fitness goals through personalized sessions. Pilates is a highly effective exercise method that emphasizes core strength, proper alignment, and body awareness. Together, we can create a tailored program that caters to your specific needs and abilities.
Christina Short, Founder

Please click on the email link provided to receive further details about our services. We value your interest and eagerly anticipate your response.

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Christina Short, Entrepreneur, Founder, Glass City Wellness, Glass City Wellness Expo, Olympics of Wellness, Glass City Soap, Glass City Kombucha, Pilates on Principles USA, Glass City Pilates, Glass City Pilates Apprentice.
I am curious, crunchy, Holistic by nature, Horse trainer by trade, somewhat educated, a life-long learner, and lover of Movement!
I fell in love with Pilates after my third child-- things change, and require a serious approach to get it all back!
Principle Instructor, I specialize in world-class, exceptional instruction in the Pilates method, preventative--rehabilitative protocols in Holistic Health, movement disciplines in Classical Pilates with modern modifications.
My Background Pilates
My Pilates training began in Sylvania, Ohio under the exceptional tutelage of Ms. Sharon Russell-Aloni. Upon completion of my training certifications with Ms. Aloni, I began training in the Classical method of Pilates with world-renowned Ms. Elena Dominguez-Bartley second line of Romana Kryzanowska (Joseph Pilates protege) of Ms. Bartley, I began accepting clients and teaching in the Pilates method (2004). While accepting new clients, I study with the Feldenkrais Guild of North America , The began study of Alternative medicine specifically Ayurvedic living and Transcendental Meditation.
My Education
Born and raised in Defiance, Ohio; a graduate of Tinora High School. I moved to The Glass City, Toledo, Ohio in 1991. I began employment as an IE Auditor at The United Parcel Service and a server waiting tables at The Chuck Muer restaurant. I earned my first degree in Legal Assisting Technology, U of Toledo; a second degree, Bachelor of Education, Major Public Affairs Community Service, Minor Legal Issues and Human Services, U of Toledo. Working under the direction of attorneys, as a Legal Assistant, and as a change agent in the inner-city, I began developing programs for at-risk-youth in Toledo, Ohio and teaching gifted students at The Defiance College in Theatre and Creative Dramatics, Defiance, Ohio.
Life Experiences / Lessons
Too many to write here; the lessons invaluable!
Christina Short, Entrepreneur, Founder, Glass City Wellness, Glass City Wellness Expo, Olympics of Wellness, Glass City Soap, Glass City Kombucha, Pilates on Principles USA, Glass City Pilates, Glass City Pilates Apprentice.
I am curious, crunchy, Holistic by nature, Horse trainer by trade, somewhat educated, a life-long learner, and lover of Movement!
I fell in love with Pilates after my third child-- things change, and require a serious approach to get it all back!
Principle Instructor, I specialize in world-class, exceptional instruction in the Pilates method, preventative--rehabilitative protocols in Holistic Health, movement disciplines in Classical Pilates with modern modifications.
My Background Pilates
My Pilates training began in Sylvania, Ohio under the exceptional tutelage of Ms. Sharon Russell-Aloni. Upon completion of my training certifications with Ms. Aloni, I began training in the Classical method of Pilates with world-renowned Ms. Elena Dominguez-Bartley second line of Romana Kryzanowska (Joseph Pilates protege) of Ms. Bartley, I began accepting clients and teaching in the Pilates method (2004). While accepting new clients, I study with the Feldenkrais Guild of North America , The began study of Alternative medicine specifically Ayurvedic living and Transcendental Meditation.
My Education
Born and raised in Defiance, Ohio; a graduate of Tinora High School. I moved to The Glass City, Toledo, Ohio in 1991. I began employment as an IE Auditor at The United Parcel Service and a server waiting tables at The Chuck Muer restaurant. I earned my first degree in Legal Assisting Technology, U of Toledo; a second degree, Bachelor of Education, Major Public Affairs Community Service, Minor Legal Issues and Human Services, U of Toledo. Working under the direction of attorneys, as a Legal Assistant, and as a change agent in the inner-city, I began developing programs for at-risk-youth in Toledo, Ohio and teaching gifted students at The Defiance College in Theatre and Creative Dramatics, Defiance, Ohio. Recently, I earned a Masters of Business Administration in International Business and a scholarship opportunity to earn my PHD.
Welcome to Glass City Pilates
established 2004
Christina Short, Founder
Pilates on Principles, USA. Glass City Pilates Co.
Pilates set apart from other disciplines of movement by the principles which are practiced.
Pilates on Principles USA, Glass City Pilates, began in 2004 educating consumers on the many benefits of practicing a unique method of slow-to-moderate movements. Pilates once a best kept secret; today, is taught and practiced all over the world.
Glass City Pilates (GCP) specializes in private small group instructor-based teaching, post-natal, professional & amateur athletes, corporate wellness programs and more. Pilates sets itself apart from other forms of exercise in its own unique principles and methods of movement practiced. Pilates is not a quick fix or short-term solution but a way of life and living. Clients choose private training for convenient scheduling and hands-on, private, instruction. Private instruction is conveniently available at your home, office, or other locations. GCP also offers small-group instructor based-teaching at community centers, churches, gyms, corporations, lunch and learns, parks, and school athletic programs, to name a few. Pilates principles are ideal for corporations looking to enhance work force performance, reduce stress and stress-related behaviors. Pilates, an excellent fit with any firms Health and Wellness program. Firms can take advantage of lower health insurance rates, over time, as well as, greater worker-productivity and less missed-days of work.
A Pilates Timeline
1880. Joseph Hubertus Pilates is born in Monchengladbach, Germany by Desseldorf. Joseph, one of four children, suffered from asthma and rheumatic fever. Determined to overcome his ailments Joe began to learn anatomy, body building, wrestling, gymnastics, boxing, skiing, and diving. Joe's father a prize-gymnast and his mother a naturopath. Joe's influences include Eastern and Western forms of movement specifically ancient Greek and Roman philosophies in physical and mental perfection.
1918. Joe develops floor exercises which he terms "Contrology". Joe invented his own rehabilitation equipment for those injured and bed ridden. The first cadillac made from a hospital bed! Joe works as a nurse, on the Isle of Man, with internees injuries from war and diseases. The influenza pandemic sweeps world-over and kills millions. It is believed those that were practicing Pilates escaped the Flu.
1925. The Government asks Joe to train the New German Army. Joe took a boat to America. Rumor has it that Joe was displeased with the political direction of the New German Army. It is also believed that Joe's motivation to move to the USA came about from American boxing managers Nat Fleisher & Max Schmelling.
1926. Joseph arrives in America. Here he begins working in a boxer's training gym on Eighth Avenue among many dance studios.
1930's. Joe's influence begins to spread and his client base expands.
1934-1935. Joe writes two books and advocates that the Pilates method shall be adapted universally and taught in educational systems. Joe believes that "Crontology" will eliminate suffering and reduce hospital needs and prisons. Joe works diligently to grab the medical communities attention. Joe's good friend in Orthopedics advocates for "Crontology". Joe sruggles to win over the medical communities-narrow-view of preventative medicine. Such rejections do not prevent Joe's method from quietly taking off in Manhattan, New York University, Performing Arts, Dance Theatre of Harlem, 92nd Street, Clark Center Performing Arts, to name a few.
1960's. The Pilates method grows beyond the first generation teachers in Europe, New Mexico and California.
1966. A fire takes over Joes Eighth Avenue Studio.
1967. Joe dies at age 87.
1976. His wife Clara teaches for many years until her passing in1976.
1983. A hospital in San Francisco California (Orthopedics) made history in utilizing the value of the Pilates training method. A first generation student of Joseph Pilates assisted with set-up of the first medical based program.
1995. Curiosity grows among media interests, the mind-body movement, and health clubs. The first medical-based Pilates program is established. Pilates appears in the Websters dictionary and is now main stream culture.
1996. A historic turning point, a trade mark class-action lawsuit ends the Pilates trademark when the court rules that Pilates is a generic term used to designate a method of exercise. Pilates is connected with special exercises which use unique apparatus, a series of controlled movements, and principles that can not be owned by another. Pilates sets apart from other disciplines of movement exercises by the principles which are practiced. Joseph H. Pilates was years ahead of his time.
2004. Founder, Christina S. Short, begins Pilates on Principles USA, Glass City Pilates. Christina brings twenty-years of experience training and expertise in the field of Pilates and the mind, body movement. Christina dedicates her time as a Wellness specialist researching, sharing information and educating relevant topics for educational purposes. Christina's strong background includes Pilates contemporary and classical training and a second line industry generation Pilates background. In addition, Christina operates an apprenticeship program for those interested in learning the principles of Pilates and matwork. In addition, Christina develops competitive and non-competitive therapeutic exercise programs for gifted and at-risk youth, children's theater, martial arts and Pilates instruction. Christina studies herbal pharmacology and applications, since 1998, with a focus on complementary approaches in Wellness. Christina has accomplished an Associate of Applied Business in Legal Assisting Technology (paralegal), a Bachelor of Education, Public Affairs and Community Service, minor Legal Issues and Human Services from the University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio. Most recently, Christina has earned a Masters of Business Administration (M.B.A.) specialization in Global Management from Forbes School of Business-Ashford.
The Pilates method of movement, like water, reduces stress levels on the joints & the ligaments, carries overall less impact reducing overall stress on the body system. The slower, sequential movements greatly reduces risk of injury, overall stress and enhances immune functioning. Pilates opens the doors for greater objective and subjective awareness, spacial relations, while enhancing body systems vibratory states too. Pilates research continues in the area of the fascia.